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Conference Paper

Why a Good Process Fail. Experience in Building a Sustainable and Effective Process for Software Development


Mensely Cheah Siow Fhang and Wong Wao Tong 



Considering a process as important as a software product is the first step towards establishing a robust and sustainable process for software development. Understanding the Non-Functional (characteristics) aspects of a process, capturing the properties andconstraints under which a process must operate, and applying the knowledge and principle of implementing Non-Functional requirement in software development creates a process that is functional and sustainable. This paper examines how to effectively incorporate elements and standards for modellingproduct quality and adapting it for improving a process quality framework, which is practical for use by projects. The authors explore suggested models and case studies that contribute to forming a process that iswidely acceptable by users and process stakeholders. This paper is extending and coupling a Characteristic-based Process Engineering Model and the approach of FMEA, synthesizing both the approaches towards establishing and institutionalizing processes forsoftware development.



ICSA 2018 International Conference on Software and Computer Application, Universiti Pahang Malaysia, Pahang.