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Technology Fact Sheet

MIMOS Dynamic Visual Explorer (Mi-HELIO Helivex)


With trends moving towards small screen devices, the needs of encapsulating modules of larger systems into mini applications is ever growing. MIMOS Mi-HELIO Helivex is a solution under
Mi-HELIO (enterprise application solutions platform) series that provides a framework for developers to rapidly create and publish visually attractive, easy to use and feature-rich mini applications.

MIMOS Mi-HELIO Helivex enables a user-facing solution using
Rich Internet Application (RIA) for web application and Smart Client for desktop application. Enterprise developers can utilise this easyto-learn framework to create and publish mini applications. This provides leverage to enterprises to solve the rapid evolution of applications, reports, workflows and operation-related systems which results in appealing and meaningful ways for end users to view and manipulate information from multiple sources on a single interaction point.

Technology Summary

Mi-HELIO Helivex
A platform to rapidly create and publish mini applications that provides leverage to enterprises on rapid evolution of applications, reports, workflows and operation-related systems.
Industries: Government, Healthcare, Education, Enterprise

  • Complete widget-based application ecosystem
  • Modular architecture
  • Intuitive and appealing interaction
  • Development leverage
Technology Benefits
  • Wide accessibility
  • Harnessing desktop processing power
  • Easy adoption
  • Lower cost of maintenance

Mi-HELIO Helivex comprises the following features:



Mi-HELIO Helivex comprises the following features:

  • Complete Widget-Based Application Ecosystem
    Mi-HELIO Helivex offers a complete ecosystem for development, deployment and administration of widgets as well as attractive widget interaction facility for end users.
  • Modular Architecture
    Its modular architecture provides separation between domain expert and end user environments hence enabling functional developmental approach.
  • Intuitive and Appealing Interaction
    Interactions such as drag-and-drop, resizable windows, autodocking and layout with clear spaces are used for widget gallery, workspace and notifications altogether in a customisable interface.
  • Development Leverage
    Well known programming languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript (for web version) and WPF and C Sharp (for desktop version) are utilised for widget development.

Technology Benefits

The main impacts of Mi-HELIO Helivex are:

  • Wide Accessibility
    Web version based solutions can be seamlessly accessed via desktop computers, tablets and smart devices.
  • Harnessing Desktop Processing Power
    The desktop version provides impressive data visualisation experience and greater performance on data manipulation by utilising processing power of user’s machine.
  • Easy Adoption
    Use of standard web-based and Microsoft technologies enable easy adoption and further implementation of solutions using this
  • Lower Cost of Maintenance
    A systematic method in managing widgets and a modular architecture for widget and framework environments lower the cost in system deployment, scale up and problem debugging.