On 21 Nov, MIMOS co-hosted Day 2 and concluding session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the Global Research Council. The programme included a tour of the Big Data Analytics Digital Government Lab, with a presentation by MIMOS Chief Technology Officer Thillai Raj Ramanathan; and tour of the Big Data IoT Technology Accelerator (BITX) Lab.

Delegates also had the opportunity to listen to presentations by eight Malaysian research institutions and premier Higher Institutes Centre of Excellence (HICOEs), who presented some of their interesting work and scientific breakthroughs.

The Global Research Council (GRC) is a virtual organisation comprised of the heads of science and engineering funding agencies from around the world, dedicated to promoting the sharing of data and best practices for high-quality collaboration among funding agencies worldwide. The Council provides a forum for regular meetings of the Heads of Research Councils. The purpose of GRC also includes to respond to opportunities and to address issues of common concern in the support of research and education as well as to explore mechanisms that support the global science enterprise and the worldwide research community. Click here to learn more about GRC.

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