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2024-issue-2Corporate Highlights

MOSTI & MIMOS reveals latest smart energy technologies during Technology Preview 2024

At the end of April, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Minister, YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang launched MIMOS Technology Preview 2024 at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC). The MIMOS Technology Preview 2024 was organised to create opportunities for MIMOS to highlight its technology offerings stemming from its research and development activities which are ready for commercialisation.

At this Technology Preview, MIMOS introduced several innovations aimed at making Malaysia more sustainable and technologically advanced – highlighting new solutions like the MIMOS Autonomous Chiller Control & Energy Efficiency (Mi-ACE) system, MIMOS is actively contributing to Malaysia’s vision of becoming a green, technology-driven and globally competitive nation.

MIMOS is excited to share its new partnerships with industry movers and shakers: AXICOM, iSCADA NET, and SquareCloud Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. for the Mi-ACE, with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) document exchanges with AXICOM and iSCADA NET and a Technology License Agreement (TLA) document exchange with SquareCloud.

YB Minister Tuan Chang Lih Kang emphasised that this project marks a significant advancement for Malaysia towards becoming a high-tech nation. He highlighted multiple stakeholders’ collaborative efforts to create a sustainable future and further noted that the MIMOS Technology Preview showcases advanced technologies resulting from extensive research and development. This initiative underscores the government’s dedication to fostering innovation and steering towards a green future. These technologies are pivotal in stimulating economic growth, bolstering the sustainability of domestic industries, and enhancing Malaysia’s competitiveness globally.