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2024-issue-2MIMOS Snippets

Doa, blessings for MIMOSians Journeying to Mecca for Hajj

A special doa selamat and doa hajat ceremony was held for MIMOS Berhad employees who will be embarking on their journey to Mecca to perform the Hajj. This meaningful event was organised to offer blessings and prayers for our colleagues, ensuring their pilgrimage is safe, spiritually fulfilling, and blessed with good health and divine guidance.

The ceremony saw a gathering of MIMOS staff coming together in a spirit of unity and support. The atmosphere was filled with reverence and heartfelt wishes as prayers were recited, invoking Allah’s protection and blessings for those making the sacred journey. This event not only underscored the strong sense of community within MIMOS but also highlighted our collective commitment to supporting one another in significant life events.

We are proud of our colleagues who have been given the opportunity to fulfil this important religious duty and wish them a safe and blessed Hajj. May their journey be filled with spiritual growth, peace, and divine blessings.