MIMOS R&D supports the country’s digital transformation agenda. Our industry transformation journey entails leveraging technology trends and investing in advanced manufacturing technologies and processes; complemented with programmes in innovation, skills development and productivity improvement.
17 Feb – OpenNebula TechDay Kuala Lumpur saw local experts from MIMOS sharing their knowledge and thoughts

11-14 Apr – Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy seminar and workshop, jointly organised with Agilent Technologies

30-31 May – Hands-on Seminar on Fibre Optic Sensor for lecturers, doctorates and postgraduate students

29 Aug – Nvidia Deep Learning Day featured enlightening presentations on deep learning on GPU with a hands-on session

The MIMOS Tech Talk series featuring IoT in May, Analytics – the Next Big Thing (Sept) and Digital Finance (Oct)

MIMOS subject matter experts are notable speakers, such as at the Asia-Pacific Smart Cities Forum, the Global Symposium on Innovative Financial Inclusion and OpenNebula TechDay.

- Technologies that contribute to national competitiveness
- New challenges that bring innovation opportunities
- Enabling industry transformation