Published on: Jul 11, 2017 Kenanga Investment Bank became the first investment bank in the country to collaborate with MIMOS on finance technology (fintech) applications. On 9 March, an MoU…
MIMOS R&D supports the country’s digital transformation agenda. Our industry transformation journey entails leveraging technology trends and investing in advanced manufacturing technologies and processes; complemented with programmes in innovation, skills…
As national R&D centre in ICT, MIMOS is often the trendsetter in technology development, generating patented technologies and proofs-of-concepts that can be applied to the government’s key challenges. With our…
Building long-term national competitiveness starts with, among other initiatives, driving local competitiveness, building the capacity of the most productive community groups, ensuring public safety is at all times not compromised,…
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept not yet well understood or developed at scale. Ask people on the street “what is IoT”, chances are only few would say…
The Advanced Material Industrial Ecosystem, which was launched on 8 Nov, is expected to impact the growth of industries and SMEs in Malaysia by value adding current products and technologies…
On 21 Nov, MIMOS co-hosted Day 2 and concluding session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the Global Research Council. The programme included a tour of the Big Data Analytics…