Social media, the 21st century news source and the new mantra for marketing communication, consists of large-scale and unstructured informally expressed information. The automated analysis of this is mission critical…
Data discovery capabilities are becoming more important for accurate decision making in increasingly complex and competitive business rules and environments. MIMOS Query Accelerator (Mi-Galactica) further advances data processing speeds by…
The data deluge in recent years requires a different approach in the implementation of storage systems, more so in a cloud environment. A scalable reliable object storage system can provide…
Wireless communication forms the backbone of IoT realisation. MIMOS Wireless Atmosphere for Integrated Systems (Mi-WARIS) further enhances wireless communication through its proprietary intelligent bandwidth management, security and multi-protocol adaptation. A…
OpenGov spoke to Thillai Raj T Ramanathan, Chief Technology Officer of MIMOS Berhad. This is the first part of the interview (click here for Part 2), reporting on the implementation of Internet…
Despite having a vibrant and growing information and communication technology (ICT) sector, local companies continue to rely heavily on foreign knowledge workers… Download PDF
THE Internet of Things (IoT) sector could be the next growth engine and boost the country’s stuttering economy as more foreign technology firms look at Malaysia as the base to…