KETUA Menteri Wilayah Barat Sri Lanka, Prasanna Ranatunga mengarahkan supaya dibentuk satu jawatakuasa pelaksanaan program pemodenan pendidikan Colombo bagi memastikan solusi e-pembelajaran holistik yang dicadangkan oleh Kumpulan Utusan, yang meliputi…
Two agreements and MoUs were signed Tuesday between Malaysian companies and their counterparts from Kazakhstan. The deals that are set to take economic ties between the two nations to greater…
MIMOS Bhd has signed a US$10 million (RM30.7 million) deal with Kazakhstan’s The Kazakh Research Institute of Information Technologies to establish a centre of excellence on cloud computing. Location of…
Two agreements and MoUs were signed yesterday between Malaysian companies and their counterparts from Kazakhstan. The deals that were set to take economic ties between the two nations to greater…
Two agreements and MoUs were signed yesterday between Malaysian companies and their counterparts from Kazakhstan. The deals that were set to take economic ties between the two nations to greater…
Kepakaran Malaysia dalam beberapa bidang perniagaan berdaya maju terus menjadi perhatian negara luar, apabila empat lagi memorandum persefahaman (MoU) dan memorandum perjanjian (MoA) dimeterai antara syarikat tempatan dengan agensi dari…