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Sistem C4i Diperbaharui

KUALA LUMPUR: Sistem Arahan dan Kawalan, Komunikasi dan Integrasi Komputer (C4i) yang diguna pakai Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) sejak 2002 akan diperbaiki serta diperbaharui bagi memenuhi matlamatnya menjadi agensi penguat kuasa bertaraf dunia.

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Police need RM1.5 bln to upgrade and expand C4i system

KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) need RM1.5 billion to upgrade and expand the use of the Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Integration (C4i) system which has proven effective in combating crimes and management crisis since 2002.

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REDtone, MIMOS Ink Collaboration Pact

KUALA LUMPUR: Data and broadband services provider REDtone Telecommunications Sdn Bhd and leader in information and communications technology (ICT) innovation MIMOS Bhd signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) Tuesday that will see REptone becoming a MIMOS technology recipient with usage rights for the latter’s WiWi and Intelligence Surveillance Platform (ISP) technologies for three years.

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REDtone Signs Accord with MIMOS

KUALA LUMPUR: REDtone International Bhd unit REDtone Telecommunications Sdn Bhd and Mimos Bhd have signed an accord that will see REDtone becoming a Mimos technology recipient, with usage rights for the latter’s WiWi and intelligence surveillance platform (ISP) technologies for three years.

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