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loT satu lagi perkara besar dalam teknologi

KUALA LUMPUR (Utusan Borneo Sarawak): Internet of Things (loT) adalah satu lagi perkara terbaik dalam teknologi kerana ia adalah integrasi yang tidak dapat dielakkan dalam membole­hkan teknologi; kata Institut Mikroelektronik Sistem Ma­laysia (MIMOS).

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Pelan loT untuk pembangunan ICT masa depan

KUALA LUMPUR ­(Kosmo) – MIMOS melancarkan bengkel Inter­net of Things Working Technical Working Group (IoT TWG) kebangsaan yang pertama se­bagai pemangkin pembangu­nan kepada pelan tindakan IoT kebangsaan.

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MIMOS unjur RM2b peluang pasaran

KUALA LUMPUR 14 Mei (Utusan Malaysia) -­ MIMOS Berhad (MIMOS) mengunjurkan da­pat mencapai lebih RM2 bilion pelu­ang pasaran dalam industri teknolo­gi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) melalui sokongan Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) dan pembangunan Pelan Induk Kebangsaan Internet Segala­-galanya (IoT) yang dijangka dibentangkan kepada kerajaan Ok­tober ini.

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MIMOS Addressing the impact of the IoT on Malaysia

(Malaysian Reserve) – MIMOS yesterday launched the first national Internet of Things (IoT) Technical Working Group Workshop to kick start the development of the National IoT Blueprint, which will play a key role in shaping Malaysia’s ICT landscape and take advantage of the numerous opportunities of­fered by IoT technologies.

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Connectivity through IoT

(New Straits Times) IMAGINE a world where all things including people are connected. This is made pos­sible with the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) where the world would be digitised and people, pro­cesses, data and things would be connected.

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Optimis IoT Jana Pasaran Lebih RM2b Setiap Tahun

Kuala Lumpur (Harian Metro)- MIMOS Berhad (MIMOS) optimis pengenalan Pelan Induk In­ternet Segalanya (IOT) akan membantu syarikat men­jana pasaran bernilai lebih daripada sasaran RM2 bilion setiap tahun pada masa depan bagi industri tekno­logi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT).

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Identifying the best human capital

(The Star) – IAGO, the villain in Shakespeare’s play Othello, must have seemed like the perfect employee ­ capa­ble, honest and good­ natured. His boss, the Moorish general Othello, trusted him implicitly. Unfortunately, the benign face Iago presented to the world con­cealed a deeply vindictive nature.

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