Source : Malaysian Business The Internet has enabled plenty of knowledge-sharing and innovation for the development of technology here, but to move higher up the technology value chain, development does…
Source : Harian Metro Mimos menjalin kerjasama dengan King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KASCT), organisasi saintifik bebas berpangkalan di Riyadh, untuk menggalak serta mempromosi kerjasama penyelidikan dan…
Source : The Edge Financial Daily Location : Kuala Lumpur Imagine this, you log onto a computer grid and you would be able to access information and applications that will…
Source : The Star Sitting behind the chief executive officer’s desk at Mimos Headquarters in technology park Malaysia in Technology Park Malaysia, Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdullah looked like he found…
Source : Malaysian Reserve MIMOS Berhad has tied up with Riyadh-based independent scientific organization- the King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) – to encourage and promote cooperation…
Source : Berita Harian MIMOS Berhad menjalin kerjasama dalam bidang penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) dengan King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), pertubuhan saintifik bebas yang berpangkalan di…
Source : PC. COM The UKM ICT Fair `07 which was held at the main entrance of the Pusanika Building at University Kebangsaan Malaysia drew in a sizeable crowd estimated…