MIMOS today launched two (2) Centres of Excellence in networking technologies and test and measurement technologies in line with its mission to promote and license MIMOS technologies or Intellectual Property…
Source : Daily Express Location : Kuala Lumpur Local farmers will now be able to increase the yield and quality of their agriculture produce with the latest wireless sensor technology developed…
Source : Daily Express Location : Kuala Lumpur WiWi solution, a combination of WiFi and WiMax technologies developed by MIMOS Berhad, is the cheapest way to provide wider broadband coverage…
Source : Berita Harian Petani kini berupaya meningkatkan hasil dan kualiti produk pertanian mereka dengan teknologi pengesan tanpa wayar terkini dibangunkan oleh MIMOS Berhad, dikenali sebagai pengesan tanpa wayar MEMS….
Source : Daily Express Location : Kuala Lumpur KnowledgeGrid Malaysia, spearheaded by MIMOS Berhad, will be the next knowledge infrastructure for the nation, thus increasing Malaysia’s competitiveness in technology advancements…
Source : Borneo Post Location : Kuala Lumpur KnowledgeGRID Malaysia, spearhead by MIMOS Berhad, will be the next knowledge infrastructure for the nation, thus increasing Malaysia’s competitiveness in technology advancements regionally…
Source : Berita Harian Knowledgegrid Malaysia yang diterajui MIMOS Berhad akan menjadi prasarana pengetahuan berikutnya bagi Malaysia yang akan meningkatkan daya saing negara ini dalam kemajuan teknologi pada peringkat…