MIMOS is organising the Grid Computing Conference from 15 – 16 May at the Palace of the Golden Horses in conjunction with the upcoming 16th World Congress on IT (WCIT)…
Source : New Straits Times The semantic technology Centre in Mimos has designed and developed a Comprehensive Semantic Technology platform. Read more…
Source : HWM Mimos has launched two Centres of Excellence in networking technologies and test and measurement technologies in line with its mission to promote and license MIMOS technologies or…
Source : Dewan Ekonomi Sidang editor Dewan Ekonomi berkesempatan mewawancara Dato’ Abdul Wahab Abdullah, Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MIMOS Berhad bagi mendapat gambaran terhadap perkembangan industri teknologi maklumat di…
Source : Utusan Malaysia Location : Kuala Lumpur MIMOS Berhad. (Mimos), pusat penyelidikan aplikasi teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi Malaysia, hari ini memeterai memorandum persefahaman (MoU) dengan Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas)…
Source : Malaysian Reserve Multimedia Development Corp Sdn Bhd (MDeC) is expecting to recruit 60 candidates yearly to be certified under the Cisco Certified Internetworks Expert (CCIE). This follow its…
Source : Utusan Malaysia MIMOS Berhad (Mimos) baru-baru ini melancarkan dua pusat kecemerlangan dalam teknologi rangkain meliputi teknologi ukuran dan ujian dalam misi untuk mempromosi dan melesenkan teknologinya atau Hak Intelektual…