Source : The Star Pikom – the Association of the Computer and Multimedia Industry of Malaysia – and applied – research organisation MIMOS Berhad have joined forces to spend up…
Source : The Edge In May, net@lue2.0 met with the president of the industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) based in Taiwan, Johnson Lee. ITRI was founded in 1973 with…
Source : HWM MIMOS, a strategic agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI), recently sealed research collaborations with three Indonesian Universities for research collaborations in microelectronics and…
Source : HWM University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and MIMOS recently announced the setting up for a pattern recognition and machine vision laboratory, aimed at enhancing Malaysia’s standing in the…
Source : Computerworld Malaysian government research agency MIMOS and local university Tunku Abdul Rahman(UTAR) have set up a new laboratory, to enhance the country’s position in the field of pattern…
Source : Computerworld Malaysian government applied research agency MIMOS has signed an agreement with German-based Ruhr-University, Bochum (RUB) to nurture trusted computing technology. Read more…
Source : Harian Metro Daya saing lebih baik dengan penghasilan teknologi yang mampu diketengahkan di dalam dan luar negara aset penting bagi melonjakkan industri teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) tempatan….