Visit by Amazon Web Services (AWS) On 16 March 2023, Mr. Eric Conrad, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Regional Managing Director and his AWS delegation visited MIMOS to explore collaboration opportunities...
Confocal Raman Imaging and Spectroscopy Workshop MIMOS is committed to developing talent in the technology industry, bringing expertise and knowledge into the local industry, and making them more competitive and...
Graphene Conductive Ink Since 2016, MIMOS has been studying the characteristics of Graphene to explore the many benefits it can provide Malaysia’s E&E Industry. It is now ready to revolutionise...
Harvest-Ready Tree Detection The agriculture industry involves many risks but is essential to humankind, a noble profession feeding families, communities and nations, but the success of your production yield depends...
Futsal Piala Pusingan STI 2023 The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) held its inaugural Futsal Piala Pusingan STI on 11 March 2023 at the KSL Sports, Puchong. The...
MIMOS Fire Drill At around 3.00 pm on 24 February 2023, the fire alarm sounded and signified the start of the annual MIMOS fire drill. All MIMOSians dropped what they...
Hari Graduasi dan Persembahan Tadika MIMOS 2022 Tadika MIMOS celebrated its 6 Orkid students graduating from kindergarten with a concert on 5 February 2023 with a ‘Be Our Guest at...