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Conference Paper

Adaptive Authentication: Implementing Random Canvas Fingerprinting as User Attributes Factor


Nor Izyani Daud, Galoh Rashidah Haron and Siti Suriyati Syd Othman



Previously, canvas fingerprinting can be used as one of the ways to get to know the identity of cyber users. The value contained in fingerprint for each of the users is different. However, due to the development of technology, it is not valid anymore. An experiment has been conducted for canvas fingerprinting and we found out that there are no more uniqueness in canvas fingerprinting value for each of the users. To solve this problem, we introduce random browser fingerprinting technique. In this paper, we include detailed elaboration about how random browser fingerprinting works and how we implemented it in our system. In the last section of this paper, we will discuss about the advantages of having random browser fingerprinting technique in our system.



IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, 2017

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