As MIMOS researchers are currently the IEEE Chairman and IEEE EDS Chairman, MIMOS organised a lecture by Prof. Simon Deleonibus, a well-known researcher in the Semiconductor field, covering the new routes and paradigms for device engineering in the Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems era on 8 June 2023.
As the lead agency under MOSTI to drive the national Semiconductor Research, development, commercialisation, and innovation for the nation, MIMOS is the only research institute with full-fledged Semiconductor wafer fabrication and failure/materials analysis facilities in Malaysia.
IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecture Series 2023:
New Routes and Paradigms for Device Engineering in the Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems Era by Prof. Simon Deleonibus
With 30 years of experience in Research on Micro Nanoelectronics Devices, Prof. Simon’s lecture will benefit MIMOS researchers and engineers in driving and managing our Semiconductor Technology Centre (STC) better.
The participants comprising Industry players, Academicians (students and lecturers), and IEEE Members, will have the chance to raise any technical issue or problem during the lecture and to communicate with Prof. Simon.
In addition to the talk by Prof. Simon, an Expert Panel discussion by Industry experts was also organised to discuss matters related to the proposed formation of the Semiconductor Technology Research Consortium by MIMOS Berhad in terms of the challenges, benefits, focus area, and other relevant matters in the areas of semiconductor technologies.