Product design and development (D&D) has been regarded as a critical factor in ensuring steady survival of small and medium entreprises (SMEs). With MIMOS’ expertise in industrial D&D that span new technologies and applications, the centre has been supporting many companies seeking excellence in product development towards gaining competitive advantage.

To help local SMEs in the electrical and electronics (E&E) and machinery and equipment (M&E) sectors in enhancing their product design capabilities, MIMOS had on May 28 launched the ‘Digitized Design-to-Manufacturing (DDTM)’ programme.
The programme served as an avenue for SMEs to boost their product development using the right 3D design tools, thus enabling SMEs to move up the value chain by undertaking D&D activities as well as adopting DDTM.
The programme elicited a positive response when it received more than 120 applications, indicating that more SMEs were more cognisant of the importance of harnessing the right tools to enable innovation.
SMEs that registered for the programme, met the criteria and agreed to the terms and conditions would be granted free Solidworks 3D Computer-Aided Design software together with free training and mentoring.
Under the programme, MIMOS played a role to monitor the utilisation and progress. MIMOS was also authorised to retract license key if the SMEs failed to comply with the terms and conditions.